Sweet Kawaii Kitty (and Attachments 101)


I’m so sweet I think my teeth hurt. And it’s all TearSong’s fault. Her “dress me up” challenge (what? I’m still working on those?) suggested that I “go cute… sugar sweet pink and fluffy cat kinda cute… make people wanna cuddle and pet and squeeze you.” Mmm, okay! Meanwhile Bobby found a couple helpful photos online to give me additional inspiration:


Notice that theme? Pink, cute, pink, lotsa jewelry, little accessories and… pink?

Yeah, I noticed that too.

I think I must have visited every pink, kawaii, cute, fluffy store on the grid (including one that was new to me, thanks to TearSong, called Fishy Strawberry). After buying lotsa different stuff, I did my best to mix and match while holding to some sort of… er… pink theme. Loosely.

One thing I did manage to do was set my own personal record for attachments: I’ve got something attached to nearly every available spot on my lil Neko bod. And most of the attachments are pink. How’d I do it? More on that below.


The Best Kawaii Belt Evarr

The centerpiece of this outfit is a belt called ‘Burger Vision’ that is probably one of the most unique accessories I’ve seen in Second Life. Anya Yalin of AnnaMayaHouse took great care in sculpting, baking, scripting (you can watch both TV sets), and packing this item with prims (104 to be exact, 100 of which are sculpted; click here to see more photos).

Combined with her unique textures and colors (not to mention her adorable “Shoulder Bear” I’m wearing), its one-of-a-kind look is a must have for any kawaii fan.

Next on the itinerary? Finding just the right kawaii sim for exploring and photography…


Toyko Peninsula – A Kawaii Haven

Tokyo Peninsula was the hands-down choice — it’s full of kawaiiness that runs the gamut from cute to bizarre.  Think of it as an outdoor museum: come ready to wander, be sure to click on everything, and don’t forget to giggle (even when you’re baffled).


Examples of the amusements here include a huge plate full of cupcakes and pancakes (complete with a determined line-up of ants, as shown in the first photo), a lighthouse with funny poses at the top, a fun little treehouse, a lovely tea house, a strange conveyer belt that delivers odd little objects into the ocean, an even more unusual musical instrument, and all sorts of other bizarre yet adorable items with sometimes unexpected behavior.


Beware, all is not perfect in kawaii-land… at any moment, chunks of watermelon, meowing cats, or fireballs might suddenly rain down from the sky… or you could walk across a plushy, harmless looking kawaii kitty only to be exploded. Thankfully after sitting in a lake all day as a Neko fairy, I didn’t think twice about running for the ocean to prevent my tail from catching on fire…


Neko Attachments 101

(click on the above image to enlarge)

Some of you may be wondering how I managed to wear all of these cute little kawaii accessories, considering that choosing “wear” often limits you, when multiple items default to the same attachment point. Never fear my little Neko friend, just click here to read my Neko Attachments “how to” page, and you too can wear all of the following yummy goodies:

kawaii2-stacia-full-vert5-candy2| Hair |Tukinowaguma: Manachan White, edited to add a few pink stripes
| Eyes | SbZ Eye Fidelity: Neko Eyes – Stormclouds
| Ears and Tail |Sweet Leonard / Needful Things: CandyEMO in white
| Kawaii flying doll | LittleGirl:LittleGirl Pets 003 – Doll (Type N) Toast
| Choker |SRU / Skanks R Us: Choked Heart Choker in pink
| Necklaces |Violet Voltaire:Cuppycake, Strawberry (short one attached to R Pec, long one attached to L Pec)
| Bra |SSH/Style Starts Here: Pink Stripe (the ruffles under my top)
| Shirt | AN / Amerie’s Naughty:Salopette_BP_ver2, inner + gloves
| Armwarmers | PrimtroniCS:Pink Neko bandage, right arm, upper/lower
| Kawaii Arm Dolls, left arm |LittleGirl: LittleGirl Pets 003 – Doll (Type Q) Twin A
| Shoulder Bear |AMH / AnnaMayaHouse: Benny The Bear
| Bracelet #1 | BroGear:Cherries and Cupcakes Charm Bracelet
| Bracelet #2 | Violet Voltaire:Cuppycake #1, Strawberry (attached to Left Hand)
| Ring, right hand | Violet Voltaire:Cuppycake, Strawberry
| Backpack | PF / Pink Fuel:Stitched White Rabbit backpack, small
| Shorts | Sey:Short Denim in Dark Green
| Belt | AMH / AnnaMayaHouse:Burger Vision Belt (click here to see it close up).
| Leggings |Fishy Strawberry: Leggins RetroPattern Purple
| Legwarmers | Gritty Kitty:Tintable legwarmers (in addition to the tintable ones in this package, there are also several patterned styles… including this one)
| Shoes | Dirty Lynx:Kasai (thanks, Tater ^_^ )

Read More about the Kawaii Lifestyle in My Previous Kawaii Neko Story

Top photo by the uber kawaii Bobby Yoshikawa <3***


© Stacia Villota / Virtual Neko in Second Life – 2009


~ by Stacia Villota / Virtual Neko on January 20, 2009.

19 Responses to “Sweet Kawaii Kitty (and Attachments 101)”

  1. […] Come see all the cute stuff I found (including a belt that is unlike any Neko accessory belt I’ve ever seen)… get a slurl for a great kawaii sim to explore… and learn how you can wear multiple attachments (even when they all wanna attach to the same attachment point)… all on my Virtual Neko blog. […]

  2. You looked like candy alright! 😀
    I have a problem with attachments. Didn’t manage yet to attach prim skirt, tail and belt at the same time. I can get two of them but not three. Some prim skirts include fantastic belts, but some don’t. Plus I like to mix stuff. Any ideas?

  3. I do hope you visited ~momo~ (http://sumomomo.wordpress.com/). Tis’ my favorite ultra cute store. Great work on the mega-pinkness! 😀

    @ Elora: Your best bets to get three are to work with the pelvis, spine, and stomach attachments. You might also see how attaching things your your hips works out for you.

  4. Terry… yes momo is uber kawaii goodness! I bought (and already have) a few things from there, but wanted to make Anya’s belt the focus of this story… so I’ll be featuring momo as a spotlight on a future kawaii story. ^_^

  5. Elora… my attachments page is a loong read (it was hard to know just how much to write, not knowing the range of experience of my readers), but buried in there somewhere is my handy tip for the problem you face:

    – Attach your tail to a left or right pec.

    I’ve tried hip attachments, and at least for me/my AO, the hips tend to swing too much (giggle) to make for a reliable attachment. Since the Pecs stay (reasonably) stable with the body, they work pretty darn well as a tail attachment.

    Which leaves your pelvis, spine, and stomach attachments available for belt, collar, and skirt prim, respectively.

    Hope this works for ya! Don’t hesitate to IM me in-world if I can help. =^.~

  6. Amazing! You pack so much into this one: how-to, where-to, and what-to! I’d be curious as to the Avatar Rendering cost of wearing all that stuff! (Under Advanced menu …)
    Keep up the good work!

  7. Love how the belt looks on you 🙂

    Really sweet outfit you’ve created. I love accessories, I try to wear as many as possible with every outfit I put together. I’m completely steampunk atm and still looking for the perfect captain’s hook =^.^=

    Beautiful pics as always, must remember to visit that location sometime.

  8. Awesome Stacia, i’ve been building a Kawaii Neko too and must have that belt!

    A tip on attachments, dont forget if the items are mod you can link them together so you only have to use one attachment point. its a great way to be able to wear multiple necklaces for example.

  9. Left pec sounds great and I shall try it. I sometimes link items, but I always have to remember to copy both items first and it does tend to augment your inventory. still great tips.

  10. Kyllie you are the smartest kitteh ever!!!!!! ^_^ That idea never even occurred to me… duh. See, we’re all learning from each other, it’s a good thing.

  11. Thanks Stacia, but I cant take credit for the idea, saw it mentioned on the SLU show your style thread when someone noticed a AV was wearig three necklaces and asked how they did it….they mentioned the linking and I Though wow! good idea!
    Im usualy maxed out on attachment too, I never turn on my ARC because I bet I tend to brown out most sims…..

  12. Dang it!! Whenever I swing by here to spy on your 2nd life, I always end up wondering, ‘where can I get that in my 1st life??’

    I think 2nd life designers could sell tons of things in the real stores!! I’d buy!

  13. Oooh that’s so adorable!!!

  14. Wow lol looks like my friend

  15. KAWAII

  16. cute cute cute kawaiiiiiii

  17. pink, pink and more pink?

  18. i love pink pink

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