Cyberpunk Neko Superheroes

Cyberpunk Neko Superheroes

Brave Defenders of Second Life Neko:  Volume 4, Issue 12 (50¢)

A damp Fall night, just after 23:00… the dim glare of streetlights cast shadows in the grime of a tall building, where three darker shadows stirred imperceptibly…

Angel: Mm… streets are too quiet. Not good.
Nucleo: Copy that, I’ve got a little movement below with a couple bikers, but the only thing nasty are their oil leaks.
Rouge: Guys, I may have something here…
Angel: Finally… what up?
Rouge: Not sure. Lemme get a closer look.
Angel: I’m heading your way. Just give me a….

Nucleo: ROUGE?! ANGEL???!!
Angel: I’m okay but I can’t see Rouge…
Rouge (muttering): Dammit, something just tore my brand new latex…

Dual sigh of relief from the top of the building…

Angel: Rouge, everything else ok? We’re coming down…
Nucleo: What the hell was it?
Rouge: Not sure, I don’t see smoke. But I think I hear someone moaning… and, mm… there’s some liquid all over my arm…
Angel: Lemme morph into something smaller to get a safe look. Rouge, don’t move.
Nucleo: Blasters armed and ready… I’ll come down the back side.

Rouge: Weird…
Angel: What?
Rouge: Coke.
Angel: No thanks, I’m a Pepsi kinda girl.
Rouge: No, I mean… I’d swear this is Coke all over my arm…
Nucleo: Rouge, I think the blast has you dazed…
Angel: She’s right, the closer I get, the more it smells like….. soda… and… eeewwww….
Nucleo / Rouge: WHAT?!
Angel: Everything’s all sticky and wet and… what the….. aaaa…HAHAHHAHAA
Nucleo / Rouge: WHAT!!!!!
Angel, chuckling: Kids these days…

Angel bends down, lifting a soda-soaked Neko boy out from the rubble

Angel: Yet another wannabe Coke Bomber, didn’t get the Mentos right.
Rouge: Mm, poor kid… his habit probably started with the two liter size… pretty soon he had to have more… eventually he started breaking into restaurant supply…
Nucleo: What in the hell are you gals talking about???

Two pair of lovely feminine eyes slowly turn from the child to gaze at Nucleo, two mysterious smiles dawning simultaneously on their faces

Angel, turning back and winking at Rouge: Oh nothing Nucleo… but gosh I’ve got a mad craving for pizza and Coke and Mentos when we get back home tonight…
Rouge, nodding at Angel: Excellent idea girlfriend. Why don’t you go on back to the house and… get things… ready…?

Later that night…

Superhero: Sabre Rouge

Super Powers: Laser eye capable of slicing through anything
Weakness: Chocolate
Motto: If ya can’t be nice, slice and dice
Alias: Stacia Villota

| Hair | Mirror (by Lat Oh): C14 Cyber Light in black
| Eyes | Hybrid Productions: Eyes White (FREE auto-giver gift when you arrive at this sim, accept and unpack!)
| Laser Eye | BJD/Belial Japan Development (Kurohi Dagger): Laser Eye, color change by command
| Nose Piercing | NP / Nidiru Products: OLN Bridge Barbell (color change by command)
| Ears and Tail | Wardark Industries, maker of FemBot and CatBot: CatBot Ears and Tail in red
| Red & Yellow Cybersuit | Tomby’s: Type 81 CySuit, red+yellow
| Black Latex Bodysuit | Graves: G59 H-Body (includes gloves)
| Back Flight Tubes | BJD/Belial Japan Development: Nail of Karma, color change by command (you could also substitute Violet Studios‘ Female Demon Quantum Core Spine Reactor, or Wardark Industries‘ FemBot Power Cells Multi-Colour)
| Bracelet, Lower Left | Hybrid Productions: Alien Artifact 02 (color change by command)
| Arm Device, Lower Right | Neurolab: Kombi-X1 Cyber Gloves right-haut female 1.3
| Belt | AbTech: TechScreen belt (customized in red by my friend Kalen Hammerthall)
| Boots | Tigerclaw (Gon Xue): Boots 2009 NC Black 13 Red

Superhero: Nucleo

Super Power: Able to summon nuclear energy in targeted blasts from forearms
Weakness: Donuts
Motto: Look at me when I’m nuking you!
Alias: Duranu Razorfen

| Hair | +DV8+ Argon in Carbon Black
| Ears & Tail | Sassy Kitty Designs: Cyber Set in Onyx (see  the photo at the bottom of this story for a close-up view of its excellent cyber data screen)
| Skin | Ispachi: Daniel, with hair in cocoa
| Body Suit | Paradisis: Midnight Full for Men in Moonlight
| Necklace | NEOX Fashion (Keryo Neox): Crossover necklace (sadly this store seems to have recently become unavailable in-world)
| Chest and Arm Gears | Space Colony Necronom: Cyberheart 2.0 with Plasma Arms
| Boots | EAC-Corp: U3 Combat Boots v1.0 (click on the very first picture in this story to enlarge the photo for a closer look at these great boots)

Superhero: Battle Angel

Super Power: Shapeshifter
Weakness: Potato chips and diet Pepsi
Motto: Aim to please and shoot to kill
Alias: Isobel Undercroft

| Hair | Vixen: Besom in Bronze Dark
| Skin | Dream Ink: SF-Mika_Demonic-13
| Eyes | Dirty Cute at Ugly Duck: Ugly Duck Eyes in Pink Plasma
| Ears | BlackHeart: Cyber Neko Ears 1
| Tail | Magic: V2 b.b tail (store no longer in SL; substitute your favorite white fluffy tail)
| Bodysuit | Graves: G123 T-Body in white
| Jacket | LPP / Le Petit Prince: Weib Team Jacket (only comes in yellow)
| Armband, left | Hotch Potch: Armband long
| Armband, right | Hybrid Productions: Mantoid Armguards Black
| Gloves | Graves: G58 Gloves
| Stockings | HD / Hugo’s Design: Amina in black
| Guns | LPP / Le Petit Prince: StZ-19/21 Dual Sum-M
| Boots | Rublik: Strap Stompers

Sincere thanks to my good friend Duranu, and my best girlfriend Isobel, for creating their outfits, looking up all the associated stores, and filling the photo session with giggles. Special thanks to my hero, the super Bobby Yoshikawa for his awesome photography <3***

© Stacia Villota / Virtual Neko in Second Life – 2010


~ by Stacia Villota / Virtual Neko on November 20, 2010.

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